Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Quality Led Obstruction Lights Are Imperative

By Enid Hinton

Safety in the aeronautics industry is paramount. LED obstruction lights or aircraft warning lights are of a high strength lighting device that are normally seen on tall buildings and structures. These are used as a collision evading measure as they are very noticeable to any aircraft flying during the night. Many of them are normally left on during the day as well. They are all very bright as they need to be seen from great distances.

The obstruction light of windmills or turbines is usually of a medium intensity with a choice or either red or white or a mixture of both. They are all compliant with ICAO and during the day has a 20 000 candelas in white. During the darker hours it has a 2000 candelas either in red or white as well. They are very easy to install and come in a ruggered design. Each one is equipped with a surge protection and a test button.

Because of the new regulations in the United Kingdom the red ones are only to be used during the dark hours which leave the xenon flashers slowly getting pushed out. In the United States of America all obstruction devices are left on twenty four hours a day. The red strobe units all use incandescent filament bulbs. This light is electric and produces luminosity when the wire inside is heated to a very high temperature. An electric current is passed through until it starts to glow.

All of these specific bulbs are made in many different sizes as well as light output and voltage. They are not expensive and can work on a direct current or an alternating current, they do however have one down fall and that is they do not last very long. Many households as well as business-related buildings use these and they can also be seen in flashlights and car headlamps.

Clampco Sistemi has been in the business for over twenty years with the designing and manufacturing of warning lights for aircrafts. Their engineers, technicians as well as the designers have superb knowledge in all national and international standards as well as ICAO, FAA, CAP and ENAC regulations. They are there to help with all of their customer's enquiries and will give the best advice where needed.

For those that work at airports refresher courses can sometimes be needed. These classes are held at the customer's location and the times are generally in the morning. The afternoon sessions will be held in the fields where all repairing and inspections of the system will be done. This will help one to become more familiar with the approaching lighting systems as these guidelines do tend to keep changing.

For those that use the high intensity strobes the buildings or structures need to exceed 500 feet and are more noticeable during the day and night. Many of today's buildings have antennas, if they are higher than forty feet a medium intensity strobe light is to be placed above this point. They will flash up to forty times every minute.

The LED lights for airfields generally have a five year warranty and a fifteen year operating lifetime. They reduce the maintenance costs and have a lighter weight ensuring the safety of the crew installing them. Markers are used when structures are not able to be painted. In some instances they are used in accordance with the aviation orange and white paint for extra safety.

Series of limitations are just part of the whole process. You are expected to deal with it in a good way. Everything is open for many enhancements and improvements. With the aid of the correct software, one can operate it well and extend the limitations in the best way possible. It is vital to know the common benefits needed.

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