Thursday, December 4, 2014

Guide To Making Your Bear Tours Fun And Hassle Free

By Claudine Hodges

It is always fun to spend quality time with your loved ones. It is a popular means of recreation and relaxation. There are many things we can do to while together but among the best ways is to go out and do something unique from time to time.

If you are done with camping, diving and touring around the top caves and museums in your area, then do not fret. You still have several options left. Among these is the popular bear watching event. If you have been to Alaska, you must have heard about the Juneau bear tours catering the demand of those people who want to enjoy the activity.

If you have not yet experienced this activity, then you may consider it as part of your next stops. However, unlike your previous outdoor escapades, this may need more caution on your part considering that we are dealing with wild animals that are capable of injuring you. Below are some tips for you to think about in order to make sure you have fun viewing these huge animals on your next trip.

One, wear something appropriate. Different types of clothing are designed for specific activities. You do not go and watch bears while wearing cocktails. Nor do you go out and take their photos while on a three inch heels. Be sure to inquire about the geography of the place ahead of time and wear something fit for the environment. If you are expecting muds and watery grounds, then slippers might not be your best option for a foot wear.

Second, place your foods somewhere safe. Do not just leave those snacks unattended on the driver or passenger seat. There is no guarantee that they will be safe from animal theft even if you lock the car windows. Keep in mind that bears have a strong sense of smell and are physically capable of breaking those glass windows. The best place to store your foods when you leave your vehicle is the trunk.

Do not approach them. No matter how kind they look or how you badly want to touch their soft looking fur, you should never ever approach them. As mentioned, they are sensitive and intelligent. If they become too accustomed to human presence, they might come straight to you next time. If you feed them, they will eventually come looking for food from you.

Do not run away. If you do encounter one at a very close situation, do not ever think of running. Even if your instincts tell you to do so, just do not. You will lose. They run faster than you do and if you run first, they will interpret this as fleeing and will most likely come after you.

Fifth, bring with you a can of bear spray. This should only be used in desperate situations. The material used for this product is created to shun them away once you spray it on their eyes. Unless you desperately need to have this, better keep it safe in your backpack.

Given the right preparation, the activity will surely be a great one for you and your family. Start planning now to check the necessary things you need for the trip. The more people who will go with you, the bigger the preparation.

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